7th CPC Pay Calculator based on 7th CPC Recommendation
This helps you calculate the new salary based on the 7th CPC recommendations that was released on 19 Nov 2015.
Points to note while using this calculator:
1. Choose your appropriate Pay Band.
2. Choose your appropriate Grade Pay.
3. Enter your Basic Pay which should be your current (6th CPC) Grade Pay + Pay in the Pay Band.
4.Choose your appropriate HRA
5.Choose your appropriate TA(Click here)
2. Choose your appropriate Grade Pay.
3. Enter your Basic Pay which should be your current (6th CPC) Grade Pay + Pay in the Pay Band.
4.Choose your appropriate HRA
5.Choose your appropriate TA(Click here)
6. New Entry Pay Salary will be slightly different/less if you are at pay Levels 3, 7 or 9. Please refer the 7th CPC fitment table.
We greatly appreciate your comments. In case of any errors, please add a comment so that we can rectify immediately.
DISCLAIMER: This only projects an approximate salary. Please refer the 7th CPC fitment table.
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